Monday, March 11, 2013

Treatment of Adhesions

In providing care for our patients, I often get asked questions regarding the procedure Active Release Technique and the treatment of adhesions. Adhesions can restrict motion, cause swelling and manifest weakness in muscles. To that end, adhesions can grossly affect one’s ability to work or recreate optimally. Running, swinging a golf club or even simply using a keyboard can become difficult or even impossible. So, at this office, we treat adhesions so that you can go on with life, although sometimes with some modifications. I hope that the following may answer your concerns.

What are Adhesions?
Our bodies contain special protein structures called Fascia ( a connective tissue). Fascial tissue interconnects all the components in your body, and acts as a flexible skeleton. When this tissue is healthy, it is smooth and slippery, allowing the muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and organs to move freely and function properly.
Adhesions attach to muscles, decreasing their ability to work properly. You know you have an adhesion on a nerve if you get many abnormal sensations like numbness, tingling or pain.
Imagine a piece of scotch tape, the smooth side is healthy fascia, the sticky side is scar tissue or unhealthy fascia. Try rubbing both sides of the tape along your skin. The sticky side drags across your skin. The drag that you feel, the “pulling” sensation is how an adhesion affects the smooth functioning of your body.

Are all adhesions bad for me?
No… adhesions are actually a powerful tool that your body uses to prevent further injury. Adhesions are used to help start the healing process for damaged or injured tissues, and allow them to heal slowly.
Unfortunately, due to our active lifestyles and lack of rest to an injured area, these adhesions are not laid down in smooth, even layers, and do not follow the direction of the muscle action.
This is where Active Release becomes a powerful tool for restoring the free movement of your tissues!

Who can benefit from ART?
ART can help everyone, from athletes, to office workers, to home keepers.
Many professional athletes have come to regard Active Release Techniques very highly for it almost miraculous treatment of serious injuries. Professional sports teams as well as big names have benefited from ART. If you have any type of repetitive strain injury (RSI) ART should be your first choice.

Visit or call (770)922-1212 today!

1 comment:

  1. ART therapist works by feeling the texture, tightness and flexibility of the soft tissue with the use of his or her hands. Adhesions are then felt by the therapist and begin to work using specific protocols at the same time coordinating the patient's body to move according to the right position for best result.

    Click to get the services of Chiropractor For Shoulder Pain, Active Release Chiropractic and Denver Colorado Chiropractors.

    After breaking down adhesions on a certain spot, the therapist then maneuvers and positions the body to a different angle to work on the next area.
