Monday, March 11, 2013

Kinesio Taping

 Another procedure that we employ is Kinesio Taping.  Although this technique has been around for about 25 years for sports performance, pain management and swelling (edema) control, it wasn’t until the 2008 Olympics in Beijing that the media coverage expanded and interest or even curiosity increased.

Kinesio Tape is applied over injured areas or where tissue needs to be supported, relieved of edema or re-educated for a given exercise.  The tape gives support and stability to joints and muscles without restricting circulation or range of motion.  While traditional “strapping: of sports tape has long been utilized strictly for stabilization, the side effects of fluid obstruction often lead to swelling.  To ensure that muscles have near/full range of motion, the tape was developed to have 130-140 % elasticity.  In fact, Dr. Kenzo Kase manufactured the tape with the same elasticity as healthy human muscle. We often use the tape on youngsters involved with over-use syndrome, with soccer in particular, but with adults in repetitive or over-use straining from yard work, running, golf, and tennis.  This is a procedure that can be learned and done at home, although, it has been observed by me that a couple of sessions of having it applied by someone with experience, enables better quality self application later…and less wasted tape.

Call: 770-922-1212 for an appointment!

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1 comment:

  1. It help us a lot so that we can move freely without pain. Thanks for kinesio tape!

    Kinesiology Tape
